Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fribourg riviera

I traveled to bern from geneva yesterday. When i arrived i checked hostels but all were booked. I didn't really worry about it and rented a bike and rode around the old part of bern. I thought maybe I could just take a long train ride through the night and skip the hostel all together. There was no night train. I called my mom, of course, to discuss my options. There I was, crouching in the locker rows of the train station in order to get the free wifi, The sun waS setting and the battery on my iPod crept below the halfway mark. My mom, on her way to work at the time jumped into action. Googling like crazy. At first I thought we had a solution. Couchsurfing/room renting from a guy name Andre with an apartment near the train station. It was already 6 o'clock though. Too late notice. The iPod battery was at 1/4 status. Not yet red but close. Then BOOM the 20% battery left warning came up. My mom saved the day though in a matter of 2 minutes. She texted me a confirmation number and the address to a nice hotel (my whole own room with double bed!!) on a lake. Since ive been here, ive learned that its actually the fribourg riviera. This is my kind of riviera. All the gardens are overgrown and the fruit trees drop plums and apples on the walking paths. There is not one bit of polished granite, only rickety old docks and mossy gray-brown rock. The hotel has grapes growing up the staircase i climb to get to my room. The evening activity is fishing. Thank you soooo much mom! This place is so cool.

I found some cool Birkenstocks

GeoTagged, [N46.96456, W7.11800]

Sunday, September 2, 2012


I arrived in Geneva. One of the ladies in my dorm is a Spanish banker looking for a job here. The other is from Seattle and is here making videos of gluten free bread. She's a nutrition consultant. Has her own company.
I went to a museum and walked around the lake.
When I first arrived a woman gave me a bus ticket for free. I took it as a good omen for the trip though I ended up buying another one anyways just to make sure I was covered.


GeoTagged, [N46.30689, W7.47906]

GeoTagged, [N46.30689, W7.47906]